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  • NPCs each have different items they like or dislike, love or hate.
  • You can gift items once a week.
    • During a birthday week, if you gift an item before their birthday, then you can also give them a birthday present (confirmed by @Airyspaw).
  • Gifts will either increase or reduce your popularity with the character, depending on how they feel about the gift.
    • Increases in your popularity will reflect in the Town Reputation (basically, the sum of your popularity with all of the NPCs).
  • You can gift many different items in the game. A good place to start is with resources, and items you can make at a crafting station.

Patch 19 Disclaimer

These tables have been completed with data taken directly from Patch 19 (1.0.3) game files and are accurate per current game code.

There is still one discrepancy:

  • Frita's liked list still includes Decorative Paffti Statue, a furniture item that cannot be gifted to NPCs. Devs have been alerted that this issue persisted.
  • Tulok's loved list includes Tzoru Calming Potion, which is not an obtainable item in the current patch. Devs have been alerted.

All other NPC discrepancies have been corrected by Patch 19, though, and any NPCs formerly on the warning list can now be used to work toward the "Besties" Steam Achievement.

Once gifting tables have been fixed this disclaimer will be removed.

Honorable Mentions

We wikifolk would like to offer thanks to:

  • Our own veteran members who began the original data fetching project and spreadsheet that were used for the information that was previously included in this page.
  • Player aaa for a truly unprecedented amount of datamining assistance and printing that helped @Katima turn a 30+ hour data transfer project into a few hour project.
  • Dev Exkajer for providing spreadsheet gifting data to assist us.
  • All of the players on Discord who provided data verification in the wiki discussion area via screenshots and live play reports.

Character Gifts



Airmelon Balerina Cinderella Firesfin Fish Bread Fish Stew Fish and Chips Fishing Charm Grilled Fish Jump Potion Potion of Soft Landing Rainbow Trout Red Herring Screaming Bass Shell Necklace Shortcake Sky Mackerel Speed Potion Spicy Fish Spirit Pike Spitting Roach Strawberry Strawberry Cooler

Throwable Thorns Burner

Apple Pie Astral Termites Bloom Bouquet Carrot Cake Cheese Cake Chocolate Clay Doll Conch Crab Crystal Soap Cuflow's Claw Cupcake Evening Lampshade Gass Gold Starfish Medicine for Cold Pike Rock Melting Potion Sapphire Scallop Scented Candle Sea Urchin Shell Seaweed Shell Basket Skeleton Strength Potion Striped Starfish Tulip Tulip Shell Vigor Potion Watermelon

Bloom Salad Bronze Bar Fossil Track Frog Slime Snail Steel Bar Trilobite

Ambered Insect Barrow End Special Copper Ore Fern Fossil Iron Ore Unknown Sulfur Trash Wild Salad



Cheese Darkberries Kitchen Charm Macarons Oatmeal Soap of Honey and Milk Sweet Corn Soup Tagetes


Blueberries Bread Butter Butter Eel Chocolate Coffee Corn Cream Crusty Sweetcup Elderberry Flour Honey Insect Calmer Oil Sugar Sunflower Tulip Shell Velvet Vanilla Watermelon Lemonade

Aroma Nectar Fruit Nectar Grimwood Hedgemole Spikes Refreshing Nectar Stinky Nectar Thick Nectar Trash Venom

Cicada Cucumber Beetle Forest Ant Golden Beetle Grasshopper Ladybug Mantis Orchid Mantis Painted Grasshopper Scythe Tick Storm Beetle Warrior Ant



Astra Plant Bask Bouquet Bean Chilli Beekeeper Charm Florist Charm Frost Bouquet Herbalist Charm Hyacinth Lily Moonflower Mushroom Tart Potion of Bask Grow Potion of Bloom Grow Potion of Harvest Grow Potion of Preservation Potion of Storm Grow

Reverie Bouquet

Beans Bloom Bouquet Calendula Crocus Dahlia Desert Rose Earthstar Fern Fossil Harvest Bouquet Heather Herbarium Ladybug Lobelia Lotus Lupins Mixed Wild Herbs Pansy Plant Revival Potion Poppy Ribbon Scented Candle Softwood Spicy Roots Storm Bouquet Sunflower Tagetes Tulip Wood Ash

Barrow End Special Beetroot Burger Boran Sandwich Cheese Cheese Cake Garlic Bread

Aroma Bass Cod Coffee Conch Gold Starfish Roach Striped Starfish Sulfur Trash Trout Watermelon Lemonade



Analgesic Ointment Antidote for Mushroom Poisoning Artificial Blood Carrot Carrot Cake Harvest Bouquet Heartbeet Herbal Soap Medicine for Cold Silver Earrings Turbosyrup Vanilla Bath Salt

Veggie Smoothie

Agate Archangelica Bitter Gentian Bloom Bouquet Breeze Mint Calendula Chamomile Cuflow Immunity Shot Cuflow Medicine Cuflow Snack Forest Stew Onion Purifying Potion Tzoru Medicine Veggie Stew Waterfall Perch

Amethyst Deceiver Amulet of Health Amulet of Safe Sleep Charisma Potion Clay Doll Farming Charm Fishing Charm Florist Charm Herbalist Charm Jump Potion Lesser Luck Charm Spiritwood Sting Shield Amulet Strength Potion Toadstool

Alchemist Charm Anti-Demon Amulet Astral Termites Bone Dust Friendship Charm Gourmand Charm Gravettuce Incense Potion of Soft Landing Ritual Candle Rock Melting Potion Smudge Stick Trash Vigor Potion Vitality Charm



Anti-Demon Amulet Antique Earrings Astra Powder Beetroot Burger Cheese Cake Diamond Egg Brunch Torte Emerald Golden Bracelet Golden Earrings Golden Necklace Golden Ring Gravettuce Herbalist Charm Herbarium Paffti Leaf Selenite Silver Earrings Silver Ring Soap of Honey and Milk Stone Egg Vigor Potion

Note: One of Frita's loved gifts in the game data is a Paffti Decorative Statue, which is a furniture item that can't be gifted to NPCs. This bug has persisted into patch 19 but Devs are aware and this note will be removed when Frita's gifting is 100% obtainable.

Astra Root Borscht Demon's Mandrake Dream Mullein Ephedra Farmer Potion Fried Eggs Gold Ore Lesser Luck Charm Mirage Agrimony Poppy Potion of Bask Grow Potion of Bloom Grow Potion of Harvest Grow Potion of Instant Grow Potion of Reverie Grow Potion of Storm Grow Redbeet Ruby Sapphire Satin Cloths Scarlet Cup Silver Ore Sky Mackerel Sting Shield Amulet Storm Bouquet Unknown

Butter Clay Coal Flour Livrian Pasta Mushroom Pasta Nails Pasta Wood Ash

Bottle Cream Glass Oil Rope Spicy Roots Stone Sugar Trash Vinegar Wicker



Amulet of Health Apple Pie Asparagus Bell Pepper Blueberries Faceplant Farmer Potion Farmers Omelette Farming Charm Forestagus Friendship Charm Garlic Flakes Harvest Salad Leek Lettuce Moonflower Onion Ring Pancakes Potion of Bask Grow Potion of Bloom Grow Potion of Harvest Grow Potion of Instant Grow Potion of Reverie Grow Potion of Storm Grow Throwable Cloud Time Leek


Astra Plant Beans Cabbage Carrot Corn Cream Cucumber Cuflow Snack Eggplant Elderberry Garlic Garlic Bread Medicine for Cold Onion Pelargonia Pepper Potato Pumpkin Radish Redbeet Sunflower Tomato Watermelon Seeds

Cheese Cake Crystal Soap Spiderweb Strawberry Cooler Trout

Artificial Blood Candle Hedgemole Spikes Herring Pike Ritual Candle Scented Candle Screaming Bass Skeleton Snail Trash



Aviye Bask Bouquet Bloom Salad Citrine Frost Grapes Fruit Salad Gold Ore Lapis Lazuli Pink quartz Radish Rose Silver Earrings Soap of Honey and Milk Storm Bouquet Stuffed Eggs

Vitality Charm

Amulet Of Health Analgesic Ointment Blueberries Diamond Fiber Golden Earrings Lavender Paffti Leaf Ribbon Ruby Satin Cloths Shell Necklace Shiitake Silkmoth Silver Ore Twill Cloths Yarn Cloths

Archangelica Bitter Gentian Burdock Haddock Ironwood Ocean's Squill Roach Sea Urchin Shell Shark Tooth Thistle Tibia

Chatter Cinquefoil Cuflow Snack Demon's Mandrake Dream Mullein Frog Slime Mirage Agrimony Nettle Trash Tzoru Snack Wax



Barrow End Special Bask Bouquet Cabbage Rolls Coffee Crystal Soap Golden Bracelet Lily Mild Perfume Silver Earrings

Vitality Charm

Antique Earrings Apple Candle Explosive Fish Delicacy Friendship Charm Golden Beetle Golden Earrings Golden Ring Lavender Live Light Potion Paper Striped Porgy Vanilla Bath Salt

Amethyst Deceiver Bottle Butter Cloth Conch Driftwood Milk Octopus Stinkhorn Oil Scallop Scythe Tick Sea Urchin Shell Spicy Roots Stone Sugar Tulip Shell

Astra Slime Clay Cream Flour Forest Ant Frog Slime Stinky Nectar Trash Vinegar Warrior Ant



Amulet Of Safe Sleep Asparagus Bread Cabbage Soup Curry Elderberry Grapes Lobelia Pasta Potato Rice Throwable Cloud

Watermelon Lemonade

Beans Butter Cheese Cream Flour Hardwood Herbal Soap Honey Kitchen Charm Milk Oil Potion of Instant Grow Strength Potion Sun Stickleback Time Leek Trout Turnip Vinegar Yarn Cloths

Bronze Bar Golden Bracelet Golden Earrings Golden Necklace Golden Ring Malachite Opal Pine Cone Silver Earrings Spinel Trash

Diamond Emerald Gold Ore Painite Platinum Ore Ruby Sapphire Silver Ore Topaz



Amulet Of Safe Sleep Anti-Demon Amulet Atlas Moth Carrot Fritters Chimera Birdwing Clay Doll Friendship Charm Grape Parfait Jumpkin Midnight Cod Painite Purifying Potion Ritual Candle Storm Bouquet Strawberry Cooler Sweet Dreams Potion Witches' brew

Zebra Longwing

Ambered insect Amethyst Deceiver Aroma Nectar Astra Powder Black Crystals Blue Morpho Charisma Potion Dahlia Demon's Mandrake Fruit Ice Cream Fruit Nectar Harvest Bouquet Opal Pumpkin Refreshing Nectar Savoury Crepe Silkmoth Smudge Stick Storm Beetle Wolf's Bane

Corn Driftwood Golden Bracelet Golden Earrings Golden Ring Satin Cloths Shell Necklace Silver Ring Softwood Yarn Cloths

Antlers Canvas Cloths Chowder Cloth Clove Hardwood Sweet Corn Soup Trash Twill Cloths Wood



Airmelon Astra Mushroom Astra Plant Astra Root Balerina Cabbage Catcher Charisma Potion Forestagus Friendship Charm Frost Grapes Golden Beetle Potion of Soft Landing Reverie Bouquet Serpent Beans Shy Tomato Speed Charm Throwable Thorns Burner

Thunder Carrot

Astra Rock Chowder Cinderella Clay Doll Desert Rose Faceplant Fern Fossil Galactic Trumpet Golden Bracelet Golden Earrings Insect Calmer Jump Potion Livrian Pasta Mild Perfume Noodle Soup Paffti Leaf Painted Grasshopper Paper Pumpkin Bread Rope Speed Potion Sting Shield Amulet Storm Bouquet Surfinia Thorned Cucumber Trilobite

Blue Morpho Breeze Mint Butter Eel Chatter Cinquefoil Coal Common Mackerel Herbarium Mixed Wild Herbs Ocean's Squill Oregano Seaweed Snake Agave Stone Velvet Vanilla

Acorns Archangelica Bitter Gentian Burdock Chamomile Clove Crab Gazing Fennel Ginger Horehound Nettle Thistle Trash Turmeric Typha



Adamantite Bar Astral Termites Bell Pepper Bronze Bar Demascium Bar Explosive Fish Delicacy Explotato Goulash Grimwood Ironwood Lumberjack Potion Miner Potion Rockcorn Spiritwood Steel Gass Sting Shield Amulet Strength Charm Stuffed Peppers Throwable Thorns Burner Tialv Bar Vitality Charm

Woodman Charm

Analgesic Ointment Apple Apple Pie Boran Sandwich Canvas Cloths Egg Brunch Torte Glushroom Hardwood Iron Ore Mixed Wild Herbs Nails Oyster Fungus Pepper Platinum Ore Quartz Scallop Softwood Steel Bar Titanium Ore

Aroma Nectar Aster Balerina Crocus Dahlia Golden Necklace Golden Ring Lily Lupins Pansy Shell Necklace Silver Ring Surfinia Tagetes

Bask Bouquet Bloom Bouquet Calendula Frost Bouquet Golden Bracelet Golden Earrings Harvest Bouquet Mild Perfume Pelargonia Reverie Bouquet Silver Earrings Storm Bouquet Trash Tulip



Amulet Of Health Antlers Astra Mushroom Beryllium Boran Sandwich Forestagus Incense Onion Soup Orchid Mantis Pickles

Potion of Preservation

Ancient Porgy Animal Jaw Bird Skull Boletus Bone Cabbage Cicada Cucumber Elderberry Heather Horn Horn of Plenty Mantis Pine Cone Plant Revival Potion Radish Tibia Wicker

Adamantite Bar Bronze Bar Demascium Bar Flint Nails Orichalcum Bar Steel Bar Tialv Bar Titanium Ore Wax

Copper Ore Frog Slime Grimwood Hardwood Honey Iron Ore Ishu Statue Limestone Softwood Spiderweb Spiritwood Sulfur Trash Wood Woodman Charm



Chocolate Cookies Croissant Four Paws Amulet Grape Parfait Hash Browns Jump Potion Lapis Lazuli Shark Tooth Silver Ring


Cheese Cake Cupcake Fiber Friendship Charm Gold Ore Golden Bracelet Kuqkwa Chow Live Light Potion Pansy Potion of Resilience Rainbow Trout Shortcake Silk Cloths Silver Ore Strength Potion Vanilla Bath Salt Vigor Potion

Astra Mushroom Atlas Moth Carrot Cosmos Hyacinth Indigo Milkcap Pepper Puffball Venom

Bleeding Tooth Fern Fossil Garlic Glushroom Incense Kitchen Charm Onion Parrot Waxcap Rose Tomato Trash



Asparagus Bronze Bar Cuflow Breeder Charm Dumplings Four Paws Amulet Granola Crackers Lesser Luck Charm Serpent Beans Skewer Wheat

Note: One of Tulok's loved gifts is 'Tzoru Calming Potion' which is an unobtainable item. This has been reported to the devs, the note will be removed when it is corrected.

Cornflower Fossil Track Gazing Fennel Hardwood Herbarium Kūkaenēnē Limestone Lupins Macarons Rice Stone Egg Sunflower Throwable Cloud

Boletus Cicada Cod Common Mackerel Feather Frog Slime Gass Herring Orchid Mantis Roach Shiitake Trout Waterfall Perch Wolf Perch Zebra Longwing

Aroma Bass Atlas Moth Chimera Birdwing Cinderella Fur Gass Gold Starfish Golden Beetle Hedgemole Spikes Kite Mushroom Lizard Scales Morel Painted Grasshopper Pike Shark Tooth Silkmoth Striped Starfish Thick Nectar Trash Truffle Victory Champignon



Adorned Vase Ancient Doll Ancient Helmet Antique Earrings Archeologist Charm Arrowhead Astra Magic Rock Bird Skull Bone Comb Eggplant Patties Garlic Garlic Flakes Ishu Statue Kaoh Coin Kuqkwa Chow Live Light Potion Spinel Stone Egg Stone Plate

War Horn

Agate Ambered Insect Amethyst Animal Jaw Antlers Aster Beryllium Black Crystals Bone Citrine Conch Cuflow's Claw Desert Rose Diamond Eggplant Emerald Fern Fossil Fossil Track Fruit Salad Garlic Bread Gold Starfish Golden Ring Horn Incense Lapis Lazuli Malachite Opal Painite Pink Quartz Prehistoric Bone Purifying Potion Ruby Sapphire Scallop Sea Urchin Shell Selenite Skeleton Striped Starfish Tanzanite Thistle Tibia Topaz Trilobite Tulip Shell Turmeric

Explotato Feather Heartbeet Meltberry

Cod Forest Ant Haddock Red Herring Screaming Bass Spitting Roach Stickleback Striped Porgy Trash Warrior Ant Watermelon Lemonade



Bell Pepper Croquettes Crystal Soap Cupcake Malachite Opal Potion of Resilience Scented Candle Silver Ring Watermelon Watermelon Lemonade

Wild Salad

Acorns Amethyst Candle Crocus Pine Cone The Eyes of Astra Throwable Cloud Twill Cloths Witches' brew

Ancient Porgy Astra Root Butter Eel Cornflower Cuflowrelle Hadrock Kūkaenēnē Scallop Sky Mackerel Snake Agave Spicy Roots Tulip Shell Wolf's Bane

Chamomile Conch Cuflow Snack Medicine for Cold Midnight Cod Puffball Seaweed Trash Tzoru Snack Waterfall Perch



Barrow End Special Bloom Salad Boran Sandwich Borscht Cabbage Soup Carrot Fritters Charisma Potion Chowder Fishing Charm Garlic Bread Gourmand Charm Harvest Salad Kitchen Charm Lettuce Livrian Pasta Medicine for Cold Mushroom Tart Skewer Stuffed Eggs Turbosyrup Veggie Stew

Wild Salad

Antidote for Mushroom Poisoning Common Mackerel Explosive Fish Delicacy Herring Honey Hyacinth Kite Mushroom Milk Oregano Purifying Potion Striped Starfish Victory Champignon

Animal Jaw Bone Bone Comb Demon's Mandrake Ephedra Fiber Poppy Shortcake Speed Charm Speed Potion

Aroma Bass Bleeding Tooth Bone Dust Clay Earthstar Gass Glushroom Octopus Stinkhorn Parrot Waxcap Scarlet Cup Toadstool Trash Venom Wolf's Bane Wood Ash

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