Tips and Tricks for Every Witch

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All the things you wish you knew when you first started the game, collected into one helpful guide!

Let's start this off with a reminder that this game is designed to have you explore the island while discovering and learning things as you go. It isn't linear, which means you'll have access to things you won't be able to do anything about... yet! But with time and patience, you will eventually collect all you need and learn everything you need to know to become the best witch of them all. Make sure to read the tutorials and dialogue as you go, as they contain important information on how to progress in and navigate the game!

With that said, it doesn't hurt to have some help at the very beginning, which is why we've put together the following tips and tricks to get you started on your witchy way!


  • Plant as many cabbages as possible, as soon as possible
    • These are the most profitable crop in Bloom and they take a while to grow (16 days).
  • Plant at least one of each crop you can afford in every season, especially during Bloom.
    • Pro tip: make sure you at least plant and harvest a Heartbeet, you'll thank us later when Charna has her first quest for you!


  • In addition to tutorials you'll experience during gameplay, you'll find those and some BONUS ones in your Compendium!
  • Use the map stickers to mark everything on the map as you get to know the island
  • Form a strategy for yourself to remember what things are until you can afford additional stickers


  • Sell the potions you find for some quick cash (like the Farmer Potions in the backyard)
  • Check commission quests on the Noticeboard before selling potions as they will sometimes pay more than what you'd get in your stall
  • Try to keep these potions for future quests:


  • Gift something to everyone every week to increase friendship
  • Talk to as many people as you can every day to increase friendship
  • Take commissions to increase your relationship with the one who needs the item AND get some money too
    • Be mindful of commissions as sometimes you won't be able to complete some of them due to the season or item availability
    • It's okay if you fail to complete one as there's no penalty at this time



  • Search your house and backyard to get several tools for free
  • Get a free Watering Can when you talk to Cassandra the first time
  • Buy a Bugnet as soon as possible
    • Catch all the bees!
    • Collect all the honey without getting hurt!
    • Catch bugs at insect hotels
  • Buy a Fishing Rod when you can

Witch's Broom

  • Complete the first two quests on the Witch's Broom page
    • Reminder: the broken broom pieces you collect are solely to trigger the broom creation quest (the pieces are beyond repair!)
  • Start the third quest, I believe I can fly!, and get all the materials you need ASAP
  • The soonest you can get the Witch's Broom is during the Harvest season
    • The mushroom you need starts growing then
  • Get the third axe OR find and keep some Astral Termites Potions
    • The wood you'll need can't be chopped with the first two axes

Witch's Exam

Seasonal Checklist

  • Note: Credit goes to our very own @Katima for creating these checklists.

Notes: Harvest is the last month where 'big new things' that contribute to major questlines and altar activations appear. That makes this the last month where you have to do any kind of scramble if you were trying to operate at maximum efficiency. Once you've gotten the items on this list, you can pretty much shift into whatever speed you want to progress in from here. Harvest is also a good month to plant single-production magic veggies (the ones you only get one vegetable from when you harvest them) to sell in your stall and build up for money to pay for the many upgrades.

  • Reverie, like Harvest, is another month where there is nothing new appearing that is required for major questlines or altar activations. You're mostly going to be doing whatever you want while either working on the questlines you've unlocked or working toward completing the Witch Exam. If you're trying to take your time and cruise through things, some activities to consider are:
    • Plant single-yield magic vegetables to sell for making money.
    • Go back through plants you've already gathered in previous seasons to max their Compendium Discoveries for your Witch Exam.
    • Start breeding Cuflow or buy and raise Tzoru if you've ignored them thus far to focus on previous list items.
    • Look through the Magical Chests page and check the moon phases for all the chests that give recipes, as these will help with the witch exam, quests, and compendium progress for recipe ingredients. It only takes one in-game week of focusing on each moon's chests to get all the first-time loots, and if you plan ahead and have all the altars and broom unlocked at this point from following previous season guides, it should only take a small portion of your day.
    • Work on Archaeological Excavations in order to complete the Museum collections. You get an outfit Ancient Witch Crown Ancient Witch Clothes and Ancient Witch Sandals and several Space Stones from completing these, and the digsite loot can be used in several recipes, gifting, and lucrative shop sales.
    • Finish upgrading the house and work on decorating with items from Cassandra's Flower Bee Outdoor Shop. Check out Outdoor Furniture & Accessories to see what is available. Or check the Furniture Shop in Upper Town.

  • Frost is the last month of the year. Basically everything mentioned in Reverie continues to apply here, aside some differences in planting and harvesting. Major things you'll experience in this season include:
    • Inability to grow any vegetables and most herbs/flowers, though there are some that can be grown and harvested in Frost. Check your seed packs closely! You can obviously circumvent this by growing inside greenhouses. A few Herbs and Flowers can be grown in Frost if you wish to keep your soil alive outside.
    • Snow EVERYWHERE. Enjoy that, we Wikifolk wish you better luck navigating your broom in blizzards than you had in the thunderstorm that brought you to Fern Island.
As with Reverie, you can also work on filling out your Compendium Discoveries and other Witch Exam tasks.