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Tables Tutorial

Table Basics

  • Tables always start with a {| and end with a |}
    • Like you're opening and closing a code door
  • You always need to specify the type of table beside the open door, otherwise it won't work
    • {| class="wikitable" ... This is for a basic table
    • {| class="wikitable sortable" ... This is for a sorting table!


  • Headers always start on a NEW line with a !
    • The ! changes the color to signify it's a header

Adding a New Row

  • To start a new row in a table, you must add a |- between the previous and next row
    • Think of it like you're "splitting" them, with the | acting as a wall and the - as the "cutter" between them

Adding Regular Text

  • For regular text, the FIRST entry always starts with one line |
    • | First box in row
  • For each subsequent entry, it must have TWO lines before it ||
    • || Second box, third box, all the boxes!!
  • Make sure the number of regular boxes ( | and || ) equals the number of headers ( ! )

Mess with this table!

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Don't touch this table! (use as reference point)

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Tabber Tutorial

Tabber Basics

  • Tabbers always start with <tabber> and end with </tabber>
    • The / in the closing tabber "cuts off" the tabs

Individual Tabs

  • The tabs themselves always start with |-| and end with =
  • Tab names are written between the |-| and =
  • Tab names are "hugged" by the |-| and = (no spaces between them)
    • Think of these |-| as a "picture" of the tab, the tab title is simply a tab title, and the = says "this is what's contained in the aforementioned tab"
    • E.g., |-|Title= basically means (This tab)(called Title)(contains the following info)
  • Add whatever content you want in the tab in the lines after the |-|Title= - no additional code necessary here
    • You can add just about any kind of content within a tab!

Adding a New Tab

  • To start a new tab, simply create a new Individual Tab after the previous one - that's it!

Mess with this Tabber!

Content for Tab 1

Stuff for Tab 2

Table for Tab 3 (bc why not!)

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Don't touch this tabber! (use as reference point)

Content for Tab 1

Stuff for Tab 2

Table for Tab 3 (bc why not!)

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Regular Growth Speed

Find the best day to plant your crops using this tabbed guide!

  • Select the moon phase tab to view what should be planted THAT DAY.
  • Crops planted on the depicted moon phases will be of the highest quality the first day they're ready to harvest.

Plant Type Regular Speed Best Harvest Day
Growth Time When to Plant
Herb 5 days Waning Crescent Full Moon