Advanced Essence Extractor

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Advanced Essence Extractor.png

This tool can extract essences of high quality.
Live 1.0 Icon .png




You can obtain specific Essences by interacting with the Advanced Essence Extractor, loading the source material in the upper area, clicking on the "distill" button, and waiting for the process to complete. After initiating distillation, you need not stand by during the distillation process. As with brewing potions, you can do other things while the essence extractor works and come back to it later to collect the results.

  • Using the Advanced Essence Extractor will yield the same quality essence as the material used to create them.

Essence Source Materials

Each source material will produce a specific kind of essence, one essence for each unit of input, e.g. 3 tulips will result in 3 water essences. The source material will be consumed by the distillation process.