Compendium Discoveries

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As you discover and continue to harvest things on the island, your knowledge of them will increase. This will help you learn more recipes and harvest higher-quality resources more often.
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  • Open your Compendium and head to the Resources tab. Find and select a resource to reveal its "About" page. From here, select either arrow beside the "About" text to switch to the resource's Discovery page. There is one additional page you can select here, the statistics page, which will show more information about what you have done with an item.

Compendium Discoveries tab.png


  • Use the Discovery page to view everything you've learned about any listed resource.
  • Check which level certain resources are at, what you can unlock at specific levels, and what you need to do to increase its level.

Discovery Star Levels

Though each resource will have its own discovery entry, some will have limited to no additional information (such as acorns).

For everything else, you'll find a mix of some (or all) of the following information:

  • The season(s) it grows in.
  • The best moon phase to harvest it.
  • What essence type it produces.
  • A checklist of achievements to complete in order to increase the resource's discovery level.
  • What is unlocked at each discovery star level achieved, and which ones you've unlocked.