Cuflow Coop

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Cuflow Coop Image.png

Cuflow Coop is a place on your farm where cuflows can live.
Live 1.0 Icon .png


Congratulations! You have built your first Cuflow Coop! It's time to populate it. To catch a wild Cuflow, you must left click on it and bring it to the cuflow coop. Then right click on the cuflow coop so that the wild cuflow will start living there. You can also buy cuflows from Tulok. Female Cuflows, placed in the Cuflow Coop, will produce eggs without DNA symbols. These can be used in crafting delicious meals. Be patient as exotic and valuable eggs will be laid the longer the cuflow lives in your coop!



Cuflow Coops can now be upgraded to hold more cuflows! To upgrade the coop click on the cuflow poster. At the bottom of the list of culfows is now an option to upgrade. It requires only money.

  • First Upgrade: Icon Coins.png2500. It adds 2 more slots to the coop bringing the total to 6 cuflows. The appearance of the coop also changes, but the footprint remains the same.
  • Second Upgrade: Icon Coins.png5000. It adds 2 more slots to the coop bringing the total to 8 cuflows. The appearance of the coop also changes, but the footprint remains the same.
