Hang out with Anton

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I made an appointment with Anton.
Live 1.0 Icon .png

Quest Trigger

  • Speak to Anton once you reach 3 hearts.

Quest Location

Quest Overview

  • Visit Anton in Sweet Corner between 2:00PM and 6:00 PM.

Quest Reward

Quest Walkthrough

When you talk to Anton, he offers you a slice of Shortcake. After you compliment him on it, he invites you to visit him to see how it's made. He takes you back to his kitchen, where he presents you with his shortcake recipe! You confess to him that it is easier for you to make a potion, than to discern the subtle taste difference in a cake recipe. He jokingly tells you then he could become a witch too! When you ask if he is serious, he admits he isn't. His passion is for sweets, because when you offer someone a sweet it immediately makes conversation better. Also, that you can eat them yourself if it doesn't. Sweets, as Anton says, are a universal language that reach almost everyone.

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