Not so Faulty Feast

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Not so Faulty Feast.png

Soon, important delegations will arrive on the island, and during their visits, Miruta wants to organize a tasting of local delicacies.
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Quest Trigger

Quest Location

  • Miruta: usually found in the Town Hall.
  • Ahnah: usually found in Northern Lights or on the docks in Barrow End.
  • Anton: usually found in Sweet Shoppe
  • Yutu: usually found on the docks in Barrow End.

Quest Overview

  • Convince Yutu to return to cooking. Seek help from other people.
    • Talk to Ahnah
    • Talk to Anton
      • Talk to Anton the next day
  • Prepare 3 foods and give them to Miruta:
  • Talk to Yutu one more time.

Quest Reward

Quest Walkthrough

When you visit Miruta, she will ask you if you were involved in the case with the dish of harmful mushrooms. After you confirm that you were, she tells you that Yutu no longer wants to cook but she really needs a good cook because there are several important guests coming to visit and she wants to be able to show off local cuisine. She is hoping to change his mind and wants your help. Ahnah, when spoken to tells you" Convince him? What for? He can do it or not. If he doesn't want to, too bad." When you speak to Anton, he is more than happy to help out. He tells you he already tried just telling him not to use anything with mushrooms, but that it didn't work. He agrees to try your idea of spending time with Yutu, cooking with him. He promises to let you know how it goes the next day. When you return, he is excited, because your idea helped a bit. He and Miruta decided to take it further though, and he hands you a list of three dishes he wants you to cook and bring to Miruta. They decided that by diluting the responsibility no one would feel pressured. When you bring them to her, she will thank you for helping with the preparations and offer you payment. Then she suggests you stop by to see Yutu in a few days to see how it went. At this point the quest will show completed. However, when you visit Yutu, he will thank you for your help and tell you that the tasting was a huge success! He also shares the recipe for grilled fish, which he says was a recipe they particularly liked. You are able to visit him immediately after speaking to Miruta, instead of waiting several days as the quest dialogue suggests.

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