Sky Mackerel

From The Witch of Fern Island Wiki
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Can this fish fly? No, it just jumps high out of the water. And is the fisherman, who boasts so much that he once caught it in a net while it was in the air, telling the truth? No, of course he's making it up.
Live 1.0 Icon .png

Classification Essence Type Best Moon Phase Seasons Grown Bait
Fish Essence lightblue.png Waxing Gibbous Bloom Storm Bask Harvest Reverie Frost Fishing fly.png Spoon bait.png
Sells for Icon Coins.png
Normal Q1.png Good Q2.png Excellent Q3.png Master Q4.png
Icon Coins.png30 Icon Coins.png45 Icon Coins.png60 Icon Coins.png90


Recipes Used

Rituals Used

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