Tribute to a deceased friend.

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Horace would like me to help him honor a friend who died.
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Quest Trigger

  • 3 Hearts with Horace results in a letter in the mail.
  • Prerequisite: complete A mysterious letter

Quest Location

Quest Overview

  • Ask Siemibor for ritual requirements.
  • Get 4 Honey and 10 Pine Cones to the Hektor Grave. Then perform the Boran ritual.
  • Go back to Horace.

Quest Reward

Quest Walkthrough

Once you complete A mysterious letter the quest immediately transitions into this one.

  • Part 1: Talking to Siemibor: When you ask Siemibor to instruct you on how to perform the ritual, he explains that "The fate of man is intertwined by three threads: desire, body and bonds. When he dies, the Rozhets, also known as the Ladies of Fate, cut down all three. Tabla separates us from unfinished business, Tymra separates our soul from our body, and Tahia breaks our ties with loved ones. The latter, however, often remain on the earth, held by the mourner's regrets. Therefore, we shouldn't have too many ties to the dead, because that can prevent them from moving on. Therefore, remembering the dead should be done in a joyful tone. Focus on the happiness they will experience in their further journey." When you ask if the triangle symbolizes death, he replies that "Optora discourages Rozhets from coming for us here in the world of the living. So, the triangle protects against misfortune like a good talisman." If you say that the talisman would do better, he rebukes you and says "Watch what you say! You have no idea how many evil powers could get into your home if it weren't for Optora's talismans. Have some respect for the Symbol!" He then tells you that you need honey, LOTS of honey and pinecones for the ritual. Also, and most importantly, you need something that reminds you of the deceased, something important to YOU, but not necessarily to him. Though Horace did not give you something like that, Siemibor says there is likely to be something there already because Horace has been there often in the past.
  • Part 2: The Graveyard Ritual: When you approach Hektor's grave a cutscene will happen and show Abrill performing the ritual. A small voice startles Abrill during the cutscene by saying "I remember you". To complete the quest, return to Horace and let him know you did everything according to the directions given to you by Siemibor. When you tell him that a magical being appeared during the ritual and said it "remembers", he says "What? How? But she...", and that Hecktor heard her too. You tell him that if his strange dreams escalate or if something else happens to call you again. He gladly agrees and rewards you with seeds for your garden.

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