Watering Can

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Water can.png

Might be too small for such a large garden patch.
Live 1.0 Icon .png


A free Watering is given to you by Cassandra when you first meet her. A second free watering can is located in the basement of the Witch's Mansion when you Expand the Witch House Interior.

  • The Watering Can is useable once it is equipped in your tool bar.
    • Right clicking initiates the animation of watering, and costs energy to use.
    • The Watering Can is only useable on tilled plots of soil on the Farm.
    • The Watering Can is refillable at the pond in front of the Witch's Mansion, or the well in your backyard once you Fix the Well.


  • Energy Used per use of the Watering Can: 1-2
  • Uses to Empty the Watering Can: 19-20


  • Free from Cassandra as a gift when you first meet her.
  • Free in the basement of the Witch's Mansion.
  • Flower Bee: Cash Register Icon Coins.png200

Upgrades Available

The Watering Can is upgradeable. Upgrading it allows you to water more tilled soil plots before needing to refill it, and reduces the energy consumed by using it.