A Matter of Trust

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Warded Gate in Basement.png

I want to understand the vision I experienced, and the task set before me by unknown beings.
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Quest Trigger

  • A couple days after completing the Soul of Boran you will wake up with this quest added to your journal.

Quest Location

Quest Overview

  • Talk to Siemibor
  • Talk to Miruta

Quest Reward

Quest Walkthrough

You wake up in the morning and decide to go speak to Siemibor about the conversation you overheard between mysterious higher beings. He asks you what kind of beings and you describe them to him as a bird, a masked spirit, and a bison. He immediately recognizes them as the Guardians Bortur, Silia and Takulu and asks you to tell him about the conversation. You explain that they have given you a task and you do not know what it is about, as they did not directly speak to you. He ponders for a moment then tells you that Dhalia had also been assigned a task by the Guardians. He warns you to NOT share the details of your task with anyone! He then tells you to go see Miruta, because Dhalia had left a recipe with her before she disappeared that will probably help me with mine as the two seem connected. When you visit Miruta you will exchange some pleasantries. When asked for the recipe she initially is resistant, as she is worried that it will cause you great harm. Eventually though, she yields and gives you the recipe for the Gate-Breaking Potion.

At this point the quest is completed but leaves you with little to no direction on what to do next. Your next step is to brew the potion and use it on the warded gate in your Witch's Mansion Basement. When you enter this previously inaccessible area you will find many lovely items to loot, as well as a journal which will trigger the next quest, Awaken the Volcano!.

Basement Loot

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