A shared past, a shared future.

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A shared past, a shared future. 2.png

It's high time for Horace to reconcile with his former magical friend. I feel this is the moment they are both ready to face their past.
Live 1.0 Icon .png

Quest Trigger

  • Talking to Horace after you reach 9 hearts with him.
    • This quest CANNOT be triggered in Frost per Igor because there are no plants!
  • Prerequisite: Complete Horace's 6 heart quest: Revisiting dreams

Quest Location

  • Horace's House
  • Lakeside Pier
  • Hektor's House

Quest Overview

  • Clean up the mess in Horace's garden: 10/10
  • Communicate with Danika.
  • Give talisman of Friendship to Horace.
  • Meet at Horace's house at 19 o'clock.
  • Talk to Danika on lakeside pier.
  • Meet at Horace's house at 19 o'clock.

Quest Reward

Quest Walkthrough

This quest begins with a visit to Horace at his house. He is standing in his garden, lamenting the misfortune that has befallen him. A strong gale passed through and left behind debris in his yard. Abrill will be tasked with picking up 10 total planks and stones from the garden on the side of the house closest to town. When she finishes this her familiar will appear. It will point out that this so called "gale" has been strangely selective in what it did. You will agree and point out that you already know what really happened, even if Horace doesn't want to admit it. Because you told "her" to leave Hektor's old house, you are unsure where you can find her, and are afraid that it is futile to look for her without knowing where she would be. At the end of this conversation, your familiar will once more leave.

Horace will approach you after the clean-up is completed and offer you one of his delicious Mushroom Tarts, as a thank you for your hard work. While spending time with him, he will tell you that he needs to tell you about certain things, because he is afraid that if he does not, he will have no peace in the afterlife. He admits he knows it is Danika who caused the destruction in his yard. He explains that he has only seen her once, and she has been invisible to him and never talked to him ever since that time. He says she was always with Hektor, and that she always rejected him when he tried to make contact. Her only method of communication was scratching and tapping. When Hektor died of mushroom poisoning then she finally appeared to Horace. This upset Horace, because she never showed herself until after Hektor died, and he felt that her not showing herself to Hektor was cruel! You explain to him it is part of the magic of her nature, and that you know what she is. He is still upset though, because she wasn't there for Hektor when he died, and she wasn't there for his funeral. He tells you she appeared much later, in Hektor's house. The pain in Horace is very evident. He feels both he and Hektor were betrayed by her because it would have been amazing if they could have all connected. He knew he was the less important one to her, and that did not bother him. The root of his issue is that Hektor was supposedly important to her, but she never showed herself to him! He felt this was like she was mocking them, and all that had happened between them. You explain to him that magic tied her to her emotions, and to Hektor, and now to him, which is why she is seeking his attention. Her existence, in part, is a reflection of their connection. At this point he realizes that you want him to see her, for closure for the two of them, and you agree to go seek her out.

If you go to Hektor's house at or after 19:35 she will not be there, but you will trigger a conversation with your familiar when you exit his house. The familiar will remind you that you told Danika to leave and suggest you look for her elsewhere. If you go to town and speak to Patrice, she will tell you that sometimes she hears a scratching outside the window, but nothing is there. If you talk to Rebecca, she will ask if you went to Hektor's, and what you found out. She will ask if Danika is dangerous, and if she needs to warn people about her, to which you respond that she should instead be approached with love. She also will tell you that it was scratching at windows. Once you go to your home, she will be there.

She greets you and tells you that she and Hektor need to talk, because he sent you to take the necklace back that he himself gave her! She tells you one friendship charm is not enough, and that if he takes one, she will be there to talk to him. When you bring him the friendship charm, he agrees to meet at 19 o'clock at his house. The next day when you meet, he will recognize the friendship charm as the same charm that the old witch had given Hektor! He will tell you it stopped working after several years, and that by then the old witch was gone and Hektor couldn't get another. He will hesitate to put it on, and you will remind him that he already decided, and that Danika was there waiting for him to put it on. You explain that when he and Danika each have a charm it allows them to see and talk to each other. He realizes at this point that with the old witch's necklace, Danika and Hektor had been able to communicate! He becomes upset and asks her why they didn't tell him. He then tells you some of the backstory of how they met, and how Danika used to do various pranks to get their attention, like tapping on windows and dumping out letters from the mailbox. He tells you that it was at this point that Hektor went to the old witch for help and came back with the necklace. Danika interjects that she could have apologized at the lakeside pier, and when he says he will tell the story she does not want him to talk about that! He then tells you that after Hektor got the talisman he behaved strangely. At the time he thought the old witch had done something to him, but now realizes that he had been communicating with Danika. He becomes upset and sad that Hektor had wanted to hide Danika from him. Danika becomes upset by this and runs off. He tells you to not bother to chase her, and you tell him you HAVE to, because you will not let it end like this, and that he hadn't explained anything!

At this point, to find Danika, follow the clue about the lakeside pier. Head to the lake district and on the southwestern side of the big lake you will find a long pier. Danika is there. Danika says she should have told Horace herself about Hektor being able to see her, and if you apologize and say you made a mistake, she will begin to tell you about how she met the boys here. Hektor stumbled over her, because he could not see her, and fell into the lake. Horace saved him, and she wanted to apologize, which was how it all started. She agrees to go talk to Horace the next night after 19 o'clock at his house to explain things to him. The next night, Horace begins the conversation with asking her why she abandoned Hektor on his deathbed. She says that she was ashamed to show herself then, and that he could see her, that others could too and that it was not the right moment to meet. She also points out that she was not needed, Horace was, and that he was there. He seems stunned and asks you to leave so that they can have some time together, after all these years. You remind him to not neglect this friendship, and he offers you a reward for helping him and Danika reconnect.

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