Break the ties of the past

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Break the ties of the past image 1.png

Horace wants me to visit the house of his dead friend and find the lost necklace.
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Quest Trigger

Quest Location

  • Hektor's House
  • Horace's House

Quest Overview

  • Find the necklace in abandoned Hektor's house.
  • Find clues regarding the mysterious creature. Talk to the people in town or try to visit Hektor's house on different time of the day.
  • Resolve an issue.
  • Chose one of the two options:
  • Go to Horace and explain the situation.

Quest Reward

Regardless of the ending you choose, you will get the same reward.

Quest Walkthrough

This quest is added to your journal at the end of Revisiting dreams. When you first visit Hektor's house, and you go upstairs you will trigger a cutscene where you see the pendant mysteriously floating off and then disappearing. After this happens it is time to go talk to people in the town to find clues as to when to go, or you can just experiment with going at different times. If you talk to the townspeople, Rebecca will tell you that she has notes about the house back at the radio station and to visit her when she is there. Once you visit her, she will look at her notes and tell you that someone told her that lights are on at 19:35 in his old house. She asks that you come back and tell her the story after you are done doing whatever it is you need to do. If you speak to Patrice, she will reveal that she has seen the creature and has had a private conversation with it. She obviously has empathy for it and asks you to not use drastic measures when dealing with it.

Break the ties of the past image 2.png

If you visit Hektor's at 19:35 and go upstairs the creature will be there and willing to talk to you. It seems surprised that you can see it. You introduce yourself as the new witch and speak to it about why it will not let anyone take anything from the house. It becomes agitated and says it dares them to try! You can explain to it that Horace wants the necklace, and it will seem surprised that he sent you, and tells you to tell him to come get it himself. If you explain to is that you just want to talk, it will continue to engage with you and allow you to speak. If Abrill tells the creature that the necklace is important to him, it says that it will not give it away and that the necklace is important to it too. You offer an exchange, a second necklace. You remind it that Horace is its friend, and then offer to be friends as well. It says that soon you will stop hearing it too, and you assure it that you know what to do to hear. It replies, then do it, and the conversation ends. When Abrill exits the house her familiar is there waiting for her. It asks her what her plan is. She replies that there are two ways to handle this situation. The gentle one is a friendship charm. The less gentle one is an anti-demon amulet.

Friendship Amulet Option:
If Abrill chooses the friendship charm, she can return to Hektor's old house as soon as the next day after 19:35 and once more interact with the creature. It asks her what she is holding, and she explains that it is not an amulet, it is a talisman. The creature seems interested, and says I thought you needed two of these. Abrill asks who the other one should be given to, and the creature says to no one. It then exchanges the necklace for the friendship charm, and you tell it that you are at Birch Grove when it decides what it wants to do. The creature wistfully asks if it has to leave, and you remind it that it gets to decide what it needs to do once more. At this point the conversation is once again over. When you return to Horace, he is thrilled that you recovered the necklace. You confirm that he knew about the creature and ask if his dreams have changed. He doesn't want to talk about what happened yet though, and instead offers you some seeds as a thank you.

Anti-Demon Amulet Option:
If Abrill chooses the Anti-Demon Amulet, she can return to Hektor's old house as soon as the next day after 19:35 and banish the creature. You will need to have the Anti-Demon Amulet equipped. It will say "You're really doing it!", to which Abrill replies "I know I won't convince you otherwise". The creature protests it's eviction, stunned that she would choose to strip it of its will and force it to leave. When Abrill tells it to give back the necklace the creature responds "Fine, take it, you...!" At this point, it is time to return to Horace. He thanks you and offers you payment for your help. You confirm he knew of the creature and ask if his dreams have changed. He avoids answering and instead asks if you have an amulet for that too. Abrill responds "It's not an amulet you need! Or at least not that kind." He then admits to knowing about the creature but is not ready to talk about it yet.

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