The Tear of Ishu

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Ishu tears.png

Magically sealed fragment of a powerful ancient god who once was worshipped on the Fern Island by Kaoh civilization.
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These are the locations of the Tears of Ishu needed for the main questline. You will need an Anti-Demon Amulet to reach them.

  • Note: As you collect each Tear of Ishu you will have Visions which can help you decide which choice you want to make.
  1. First Tear of Ishu: Behind a Magical gate which will require the use of a Gate-Breaking Potion. This gate is down on the shoreline set into the cliff face.
  2. Second Tear of Ishu: Found in Ottertown behind a magical barrier during the quest The Price of the Authority.
  3. Third Tear of Ishu: Located inside the Ancient Cistern Building behind a magical barrier after completing the Volcano Awakening ritual while on the quest Awaken the Volcano!
  4. Fourth Tear of Ishu: Behind a Magical gate which will require the use of a Gate-Breaking Potion.
  5. Fifth Tear of Ishu: Behind a Magical gate which will require the use of a Gate-Breaking Potion.
  6. Sixth Tear of Ishu: Found in the research center during the quest Long Wished Deliverance behind a magical barrier.

The Tears of Ishu Location Map

Rituals Used