Tulok's Farm

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Tuloks Farm Image.png

Tulok's Tzoru farm and pet store.
Live 1.0 Icon .png


  • Located in the Steppe's, southwest of Barrow End.

Hours of Operation

  • Accessible 24 hours a day.

Cuflow Stall Cash Register

Cuflow Sales Stall Image.png

At the cuflow stall you can purchase hens and roosters.

  • Availability varies weekly.

[Return to Culfow page]

Tzoru Stall

Tzoru Sales Stall Image.png

At the Tzoru stall you can purchase your own domesticated Tzoru, breed them, race them or rent one for a day.

Tzoru Cash Register

Domesticated Tzorus can be purchased from Tulok's Farm for Icon Coins.png1500.

  • Availability varies weekly.
  • If you purchase what he has listed they will replenish slowly over time before the weekly reset.

Tzoru Service Book

[Return to Tzoru page]

Tzoru Store Cash Register

Tzoru Store Image.png

Inside the Tzoru store you will find the feed and medicines needed to maintain healthy Cuflows and Tzoru.

Snacks and Medicine


  • Any Animal
  • Cuflow
  • Tzoru