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The Tzoru is one of the magical animals of Fern Island. They can be found tame, purchased, and can be bred at Tulok's Farm. For a price, you can rent one for the day, or just take it for a race.
Live 1.0 Icon .png

How to Obtain Tzoru

You can purchase your own Domesticated Tzoru from Tulok's Farm, provided you have a Tzoru Stud to house them in.

  • The Tzoru whistle unlocks in the top spot of your Tab Tool Wheel when a saddle is placed on any Tzoru in the Tzoru Stud.
    • Abrill can then call the saddled Tzoru to her anywhere using the Tab tool wheel.

Tzoru Breeds

Domesticated Tzorus can be purchased from Tulok's Farm at the Tzoru Shop for Icon Coins.png1500.

  • Availability varies weekly.
  • If you purchase what he has listed they will replenish slowly over time before the weekly reset.


Each Tzoru has its own starting stats, which can be increased by feeding them specialized fodder.

  • File= Regeneration

Feed your Tzoru Vitamin Fodder for Tzoru to improve their recovery rate.

  • File=Speed

Feed your Tzoru Mineral Fodder for Tzoru to boost their speed.

  • File=Stamina

Feed your Tzoru Protein Fodder for Tzoru to increase their endurance.

Tzoru Care

  • Tzorus are housed and fed in the Tzoru Stud on your farm. Each Tzoru Stud can hold 3 Tzoru.
    • Make sure there is Fodder in each occupied stall of the Tzoru Stud as they cannot eat herbs or other plants.
    • Pet your Tzoru daily to raise its happiness levels. To do this target your Tzoru and right click to pet them.
    • You can also give your Tzoru a snack. To do this target your Tzoru and right click to give them a treat.
    • Tulok will reclaim a Tzoru if you do not properly care for it, and it gets sick.
    • You will receive a letter in the mail from Tulok informing you that he is taking your Sick Tzoru away from you!

  • Tzoru can be milked (female only, of course). Abrill can purchase the Milker at Rogost's Workshop for Icon Coins.png 1000.

  • Tzorus can be bred at Tulok's Farm.
    • You need an adult male and female, and both must be housed in a Tzoru Stud on your farm.
    • Currently there is no advantage to breeding Tzoru, other than improving their three stats, as there are no new breeds to discover.

  • Tzoru can be equipped with a saddle. Left click while targeting your Tzoru to Set Saddle.
    • The saddle has 16 storage slots.
    • Once you set saddle, it can only be moved to another Tzoru, but not destroyed. To get rid of it sell the Tzoru wearing it back to Tulok.

Ride Tzoru

  • Tzoru can be rented and raced at Tulok's Farm.
  • You can ride your own Tzorus around the island.
    • Each Tzoru has 3 stats that can be increased over time to improve their performance.

Tzoru Fodder Snacks and Medicine

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