Tzoru Stud

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Tzoru Stud Image.png

Stud is a place on your farm where Tzoru can live.
Live 1.0 Icon .png


Tired of running around Fern Island and don't have a broom yet or Wild Altars unlocked? The Tzoru are an excellent way to get around the island quickly, plus they can help you carry extra items!

  • Tzorus are housed and fed in the Tzoru Stud on your farm. Each Tzoru Stud can hold 3 Tzoru.
  • Tzorus can be bred at Tulok's Farm.
    • You need an adult male and female, and both must be housed in a Tzoru Stud on your farm.
    • Currently there is no advantage to breeding Tzoru, other than improving their three stats, as there are no new breeds to discover.

